Region Credits

Region Name: ZZZ - Hidden Canyon Survival Game - Region 208
Region Description: Under Construction
Region Owner: Evie_Marie

Thank you to the creators who built the following 3D objects located on this region. :

African Grey Parrot - Walk and Idle - Evie_Marie - modified from

Dandelion Flowers Yellow Weeds Cluster - Evie_Marie

Glass Jar - Empty - Evie_Marie

Help Docs Book Prop - Evie_Marie

Hidden Canyon - Evie_Marie

Journal Book - Evie_Marie

Lemon Food Fruit Yellow - Evie_Marie

Lemon Peels - two halves yellow - Evie_Marie

Rocks - Set of 4 - Linda Kellie Henson

Tree - Pine Green - Linda Kellie Henson

Water Pump - Chrome - Evie_Marie

Wild Onions - Plant Group - Evie_Marie

wooden Bowl Dish Deepdish Plate Empty Fruitbowl - Evie_Marie

Message to Content Creators: 3DWW respects intellectual property rights. If you discover original creations used in 3DWW without permission, without proper credit or inappropriately, please contact support.