Region Credits

Region Name: Student Project : Save the Neighborhood Game by Sarah (age 10)
Region Description: Explore Sarah's neighborhood and help out those you find needing assistance.
Region Owner: CD_Sarah

Thank you to the creators who built the following 3D objects located on this region. :

Barn Red - Evie_Marie

Bench with Birdhouses - Linda Kellie Henson

Bench Wooden - unknown

Birds - Duck Mallard Male - Evie_Marie

Bush Plant Tree Landscaping - unknown

CasaVilla home - Tainted Angel

cat - mark2580

cattail - bulrush - plant - flower - orange - water plant -

cow -

Furniture Set 01 - Retro - Sofa Couch Chairs - unknown

Garden Path - sandstone rocks, inverse-S-curve - unknown

Grass Canyon in middle of mountain ring with stream - Evie_Marie

Horse -

Horse - Dark Chocolate -

Jail or Cage - Low Poly - Evie_Marie

Ladder Wood - Evie_Marie

Scissors - LowPoly - Evie_Marie

Tree 09 - unknown

Tree- Maple Green - Linda Kellie Henson

Victorian House - ztrztr

Message to Content Creators: 3DWW respects intellectual property rights. If you discover original creations used in 3DWW without permission, without proper credit or inappropriately, please contact support.