Region Credits

Region Name: New Region #259
Region Description: UC #259
Region Owner: Evie_Marie

Thank you to the creators who built the following 3D objects located on this region. :

Apothecary Pharmacy Drug Store Vintage - Evie_Marie

Bench with Birdhouses - Linda Kellie Henson

Books with candle cirlce - suman.mankala

bored witch - Leowald

Cemetery - Mark Rose

Classic Sofa Set 1 - Linda Kellie Henson

Dusty Old Bookshelf - brandon westlake

Grass Canyon in middle of mountain ring with stream - Evie_Marie

Plague Doctor - FedeOde

Right Hand - Soady Sketchfab

Rocks - Set of 3 - Linda Kellie Henson

Rocks - Set of 4 - Linda Kellie Henson

Weeping willow - Tainted Angel

Wine Cart - Linda Kellie Henson

Message to Content Creators: 3DWW respects intellectual property rights. If you discover original creations used in 3DWW without permission, without proper credit or inappropriately, please contact support.