Region Credits

Region Name: Student Project - CD_Lily Region 3 - #270
Region Description: Lily's Winter Home
Region Owner: CD_Lily

Thank you to the creators who built the following 3D objects located on this region. :

Aloe Vera Plant Potted - Evie_Marie

bar fully stocked with stools - Evie_Marie

Bar Table -

Basil Plant Potted - Evie_Marie

Basil Plant Potted #2 - Evie_Marie

birthday cake -

cat - mark2580

Chair - Victorian / Oriental - BAustin (Sketchfab)

Console Table - Linda Kellie Henson

Cupcakes_On_Platter - Linda Kellie Henson

Dance Floor - Tainted Angel

Doll_Ballerina - Linda Kellie Henson

Doll_Boy - Linda Kellie Henson

Doll_Princess - Linda Kellie Henson

doorjam-cherry-lowpoly - Evie_Marie

Farm Table - Wooden with 4 Benches and Fruit Bowl - Evie_Marie

Fir Tree with Snow -

fireplace ornate by Evie - Evie_Marie

Game - Astray Console - Evie_Marie

Game - Chess Console - Evie_Marie

Game - Invaders Console - Evie_Marie

Game - Master Typing Console - Evie_Marie

Game - pacman console - Evie_Marie

Game - Pong Console - Evie_Marie

Game - Racer Console - Evie_Marie

Game - RadiusRaid Console - Evie_Marie

Grandfather Clock -

Hampton Lamp - Linda Kellie Henson

Hanging Sofa Bed in Gray - Linda Kellie Henson

Jukebox -

Laptop -

Patio Set - unknown

Pichachu by CD_Gio - CD_gio

Platform-wall and grass - Evie_Marie

Record Crate #1 - Linda Kellie Henson

Retro Record Player - Linda Kellie Henson

Rug_Ruffled_Gray - Linda Kellie Henson

Rug_Ruffled_Purple - Linda Kellie Henson

Simple Bed in Blue - Linda Kellie Henson

Snowman - Evie_Marie

Sofa - Purple Dream 2 LowPoly - Evie_Marie

Vendor Table - Blue Gold - Evie_Marie

Victorian House - Evie_Marie

Message to Content Creators: 3DWW respects intellectual property rights. If you discover original creations used in 3DWW without permission, without proper credit or inappropriately, please contact support.