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NOTE #7 - Eric

Monday night--Field notes

There is another
I only began to sense the new one this evening as I was dining with my brother.
Very faint. I was unsure at first. But it persists. Too weak to give direction.
A recent bite. The recent howler moon, no doubt. Just a start.
It will not mature till the next howler moon.
And on this island, of that I am sure. One of the servants, I suspect.
The moon is on the wain. I shall lose him soon.
Until next month.

If I could get to Fantasy Place and return with the wolfsbane, I could spare us both. The gate is here, the priest said. Baptism under the beluae, the note said. But I do not know that word. Latin I think.

Lobo will know--he is fluent in Latin.

(Narration, Foreshadow)