WELCOME to the Event Space Lobby. Touch a picture portal to teleport to that venue.
Thank you for visiting. Please remember to LOG OUT when you are done for the day!
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3rd Person, Default.
CURSOR: Click inworld for navigation/interaction mode. ESCAPE KEY to exit. HELLO: YOU ARE HERE: events.3DWebWorldz.com | 3DWW Event Lobby - Region #180 | #180.
Click here to drag, again to release.
AVATAR ANIMATIONS **turn on FREE CAM to lock in animation**
Nudge avatar position.
Click here to drag, again to release.
Click here to drag, again to release.
Change Your Emoji Head. White descriptions = Public Library; Blue Descriptions = Your Private Inventory.
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Entertainment - Live Events
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Looking for a unique way to connect with your fans? LiveMusic3D.com has the answer for you!
Imagine your own venue where you can throw parties, host intimate concerts (works great for Patreon Fans or you can even sell tickets!), or work with a producer to organize your live events.
Set up a 3D Swag Shop where people can purchase your tshirts and gear, download your music, etc.
BOTTOM LINE - if you are looking for a way to stand out amongst the millions of entertainers of the world, this will definitely add to your unique light. Sign up for your region today.
NOT SURE HOW TO BUILD YOUR REGION? Don't worry. We'll help you learn or do it for you.
You can also join our Discord Server or talk to one of our team inworld for more information. Names to look for: Evie_Marie, Selby Evans and Jamie Jordan.
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Entertainment Venues - Click a Listing to Enter
ELEVATOR is for AVATARS ONLY Portal Websites use the teleport button on bottom toolbar.
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visible='true' visible='true'
Users with region building rights:Toxikdream Region Owner: Evie_Marie