Online education just got easier and better. There are many reasons why should be your choice for teaching online. Here are just a few:Using virtual 3D environments and powerful real-time teaching tools (live voice, video chat, chalkboard, slideshow presentations and more) you can connect directly with students all over the world.
1) Personal Identity - We offer avatars (genderless Zendzi's or Male/Female Human). Not only can students identify with their avatar by choosing avatars and clothing, they can upload their own clothing - or you can. Nothing promotes virtual school spirit better than avatars decked out in school logos. You don't have to worry either. 3DWebWorldz is a safe space - all personal pixels of the avatar bodies have been removed.
2) Communication Tools - 3DWebWorldz offers a large number of communication tools. All you have to do is learn about them and choose the tool that is perfect for your situation.
a) Live Voice - click a button and region voice goes live.
b) Video and Voice Chat - with this tool you get a little more control over student microphone activity.
c) Region Chat - text chat in the region where you are standing. (World Chat too in case someone gets lost).
d) Insta Chat - puts a literal bubble above the avatar head.
e) Emojis - put emojis above the head. Confirm student understanding, take a vote, or know when a student has a question.
f) Animations. Student can literally raise their hand.
3) Classroom Regions - Templates or Custom Builds
4) Virtual Excursions, Field Trips and Learning Exhibits.
5) Affordable Services
6) Easy Access - No download required
7) Private Regions - Whitelist Students
8) LockDown Regions - Students can get in, but they can't get out.
9) Custom Home Pages - Have students log in and see only what you want them to see (bypasses the standard Home Page).
Need more info?
Contact Us.You can also contact us on Discord (click button on right vertical toolbar).