Your six collected samples will appear here. The size of all the samples is 8x1x1
If you fall in a crater, find the rock ramp and climb your way out.
Rock 5 No these are not fossils. They are Manganese deposits. mass = 26.4 g.
Rock 4 No, these are not fossils. These are called Dendrites. They are just a stain on a rock. Mass = 26.4 g.
Rock 3 Yes, these are fossil algae. mass = 22.8 g.
Rock 2 Yes these are fossils called Stromatolites. Great choice! Mass = 22.8 g.
Rock 1 Yes these are fossils called Archeocyathids which are related to modern Sponges. Mass = 22.8 g.
Rock 6 Yes this is the fossil Saltella, although scientists are not sure what modern animals they are related to. Mass = 20 g.
Rock 5 Igneous Olivine. This rock forms from volcanoes and is not likely to contain fossils.
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JCM Rock 5
Rock5.If you think this is a fossil, Click the Drill me button if you want to collect it. Mass=26.4 g., Volume =8 mL.
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JCM Rock 4
Rock4. If you think this is a fossil, Click the Drill me button if you want to collect it. Mass = 26.4 g., L=8, w=1, H=1.
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JCM Rock 2
Rock2. If you think this is a fossil, Click the Drill me button if you want to collect it. Mass=22.8 g. Volume=8 mL.
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JCM Rock 3
Rock3. If you think this is a fossil, Click the Drill me button if you want to collect it. Mass=22.8 g, L=8 cm, W=1 cm, H=1 cm.
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JCM Rock 6
Rock6. If you think this is a fossil, Click the Drill me button if you want to collect it. Mass = 20, Volume =8 mL.
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JCM rock 1
Rock1. if you think this is a fossil, Click the Drill me button if you want to collect it. Mass= 22.8 g, Volume = 8 mL.
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