3DWW Public Library - Read a book!

Visit the library and lose yourself in a classic, meet with other book lovers, or join our mission of immersive literary experiences. WRITERS - be sure to check out our ADVENTURES. We have an active author community.

Charles Dickens Excursion and Field Trip

Community Virtual Library exhibit on Charles Dickens. Includes access to literature and research on the Victorian Era.

Edgar Allen Poe Literary Works and Quest

Adventure. Explore the works of Edgar A. Poe. Complete our interactive quest or just wander and enjoy. This quest is available for both guests and members.

Shakespeare - Literary Works and Globe Theater Excursion

Adventure. Visit the Globe Theater to read all of Shakespeare's work and learn more about this English playwright, poet, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language.

Virtual Book Experience: Sandboxed: Paradise or Prison

Virtual Book Trailer, Immerse yourself in the virtual environment as you read.

Virtual Book Experience: Vortex Visions

Vortex Visions :Keepers of the Stone. Can you find all the herkimer diamonds? Watch the video book trailer too. Have fun!

Yvonne DeBandi, Author - Book Store & Museum

Book Store and Museum - Author Yvonne DeBandi
and Creative Writing Classroom

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