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HIdden Canyon - Help Docs
Hidden Canyon Survival Game, based loosely upon the dystopian novel: Dawn of Eve.
Welcome to Hidden Canyon! Are you here for the recruit trials with hopes of joining the next team mission?
Terrific! We just need you to advance through a series of survival tests first. Don't worry if the information is new to you, you can learn it as you go along.
I have things to do, but Maggie is around here somewhere. That silly bird never forgets anything and loves to repeat herself. Needless to say, the rule around here is -- if you don't know or you forgot, ask Maggie.
Oh...and two words of warning. First, Maggie moves fast. If you aren't sure what to do - go find Maggie. Second... watch out for the iguana. Carrie will carry away just about anything. If you lose it, odds are Carrie took it.
Hey, you okay? You look a little faint. Probably need to eat. Find Maggie. She'll help you out. Your training begins with survival eating off the land. Better hurry. Only a few hours of daylight left and not like we have electricity.
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Users with region building rights:Merlin Region Owner: Evie_Marie